Client: Various
Year: 50 years of experience

JMG has extensive experience in the land development sector having provided engineering services for the development of subdivisions for over 50 years. Our civil design teams in both Hobart and Launceston have extensive knowledge and understanding of our Clients, Council, TasWater, TasNetworks and NBN requirements for these developments from project inception through planning approvals, detail design, approvals and construction phases. Our design team of close to 20 engineers and designers can assist in all aspects of the development process including:
Liaison with surveyors to ensure the most efficient subdivision layout with respect to servicing and earthworks
Road and Stormwater design standards to meet IPWEA & Council Guidelines
Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) and Detention outcomes to meet the State stormwater Strategy & Tasmanian Stormwater Policy Guidelines
Sewer and Water Design standards to meet WSA & TasWater Guidelines
Engagement with TasNetworks and NBN
Flood Inundation Assessments
Development Application Documentation
Expert Witness Statements for TPC Appeals
Detailed Design Documentation for Engineering Approvals
Construction Tendering
Construction Contract Administration & Inspections.
Our JMG Team has the required expertise and a close working relationship with many of the stakeholders in the Land Development process meaning we can deliver your project in a collaborative, time and cost effective manner.