Client: Developer
Year: 2022
The project involved detailed design and documentation consultancy services for a land development project in Rokeby. The developer (Rob Howie) wanted to ensure that the subdivision created the least environmental impact as possible, whilst still providing for the growing housing demand. To this end, he removed several proposed blocks and replaced them with an end of line stormwater treatment train to protect the saltmarsh area at the mouth of Clarence Plains Rivulet, going above and beyond Council requirements.
The treatment train consists of a Gross Pollutant Trap accessible from the end of a cul-de-sac, a forebay pond for solids settling and high flow diversion, and a 1000sqm wetland for nutrient removal. The wetland is divided from Clarence Plains Rivulet by an earth embankment that forms the wetland walls and doubles as a shared path to link various parts of the sub-division.
JMG Engineers and Planners found it very motivating and rewarding to work with developers that are mindful of the broader impact and have a willingness to create the best product possible whilst still maintaining a sustainable business.